A Permanent Boston Public Market

Old Northern Avenue Bridge Farmers' Market Boston needs a permanent public market and now there is a coordinated campaign to make it happen. An impressive list of entrepreneurs, businesspeople, government officials, farmers, and community leaders have all come together to form a coalition that is building a grassroots campaign to send the message to our elected leaders.

As mentioned on Boston GreenScene before, building a sustainable food system is crucial to the future of Massachusetts. A vibrant Boston Public Market would be a vital, visible step towards reaching that goal and this coaltion appears to have what it takes to make a permanant public market in Boston a reality. So, take a second to visit the BPM website to learn more and send an email to Governor Patrick to express your support!


Cross-posted at Boston Green Scene
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About Boston GreenScene

The mission of Boston GreenScene is to connect, highlight, and amplify the organizations, businesses, and individuals who are working to build a sustainable present and future in the Greater Boston Area and Massachusetts. We showcase local events, initiatives, legislation, and unique aspects of the Boston and Massachusetts green community. Whether you are a local organic cafe, a Fortune 500 company greening your headquarters, or a student collecting signatures for clean energy sign ups, Boston GreenScene works on your behalf to connect people, news, and commentary from all sectors and backgrounds. We are, above all, a network of people like you!

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