Sick of traffic? Tired of the long, isolated commute to and from the office? You’re not alone, and many analysts say it’s only going to get worse. In fact, according to a recent Grist article, Texas A&M just released its Urban Mobility Report, a report that quantifies just how much of a toll daily commuting and car congestion take on your physical, financial and emotional well being. Not to mention how much personal time you lose sitting idle in traffic. It was also reported that metro Chicago and DC are the worst-off given the current “years delay per auto commuter” index. Astoundingly, Chicagoan and Washingtonian car commuters lose 70 hours of their lives to rush-hour traffic every year. These cities are, not surprisingly, followed closely by Los Angeles at 63 hours and Houston at 58 hours.
Thankfully, there are alternatives if you’re willing to alter your lifestyle a bit and are willing to get to know your neighbors. Relay Rides, a startup that just launched recently in Boston, aims at car sharing as a better, more transparent modern-day model for car users. Riders can “rent out” their car by the hour to those in need of wheels. Need an extra incentive? The owner can make upwards of a few thousand dollars a year just by doing so, and insurance is covered by Relay Rides. There are also (of course) Zipcar and City CarShare in San Francisco, to name a few.
If you’re not into cars, and you live in an urban center, there are often subway lines or buses you can take. While at first many people dismiss public transportation in the US as old and unreliable, it’s an essential public service that needs consumer support to thrive and improve. Imagine if each person you saw on the T coming home from work was instead driving? How many more cars would be added to the road? It’s simply unfathomable. So, instead of festering in your car each day with road rage, explore your options for car sharing, or public transportation. Or, simply good old fashioned car-pooling. You get to meet new people, plus it’s good for your soul and the environment!
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