A Short Term Answer to Reduce CO2 Emissions

A new report (.pdf file) from The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), along with the World Meteorologist Association, and a group of scientists will be presented to the governing council of UNEP. The report states that reducing emissions of short lived particles from black carbon, methane and ground level ozone could reduce warming to a half degree within the first half of this century. However the efforts would have to be taken worldwide by all nations to reach the given numbers.

These emissions, known as soot, are particles of fossil fuels that are released into the atmosphere upon burning. Along with damage done to the atmosphere, they also take a toll on human health and damage crops. The report stresses the damaging effects these emissions have on the environment on a global scale. Among the points are;

  • The presence of black carbon in the lower atmosphere has disrupted weather patterns, like the Asian monsoon, for example, that have effected the livelihoods of millions of people.
  • The black characteristics of these particles has caused darkening of snow and ice decreasing their reflection of sunlight (increasing absorption), thus heating the atmosphere causing snow and glacier regions around the world to experience severe melting.
  • Ozone in the lower atmosphere damages human health, and has been a cause of premature death globally. This same particle causes damages crops, reducing yield.

The report says that even a “small number of emission reduction measures” for these particles would immediately begin to “protect climate, public health, water and food security, and ecosystems”.

While this report has netted little coverage (it is just another United Nations recommendation after all), some are hopeful that the United States government will make changes after recently cutting back the Environmental Protection Agency’s budget. Among the cuts to the budget was a program to update dirty diesel engines, a large contributor of black carbon.

While a worldwide cut of these short lived emissions seems a daunting task, UNEP stresses that it can be done with existing technologies, “but would require significant strategic investment and institutional arrangements.”

Hydrofracking Poses Serious Concerns

Photo by flickr.com/photos/arimoore/

On February 26th, The New York Times released a front page exposé on the new “gold rush” of natural gas exploration in the United States: Hydrofracking.  Natural gas is a relatively plentiful domestic energy resource and some environmentalists and policy-makers alike have heralded the recent jump in natural gas exploration as a means to curb carbon emissions (natural gas, supposedly, releases less carbon into the atmosphere than fossil fuels like oil and coal).

Nevertheless, the NYTimes article presents a disturbing case against such massive, and oftentimes unregulated, exploration. Hydrofracking, or the injection of water and chemicals under high pressure into rock formations to extract natural gas, can directly impact the quality of groundwater, and inevitably, our drinking water.  Drilling supporters have responded that no contamination of groundwater has been directly linked to the practice, however, the NYTimes reported that the EPA has been aware of the potential risk associated with this technique citing internal documents “from the Environmental Protection Agency, state regulators and drillers [that] show that the dangers to the environment and health are greater than previously understood.”

Potential dangers of hydrofracking include leaked radioactive materials and other drilling wastes, such as corrosive salts and carcinogens, which are inadequately treated before being discharged directly into adjacent rivers that supply drinking water.  Alarmingly, the NYTimes also disclosed a never made public 2009 EPA document that concluded some hydrofracking treatment plants in Pennsylvania could not remove wastewater contaminants and were thus violating the law.  Furthermore, other undisclosed studies by the EPA and a confidential study by the drilling industry found that radioactivity in drilling waste cannot be completely diluted via discharge into rivers and other waterways.  Yet, despite these startling findings, the EPA has taken no action to safeguard public water supplies and water sources downstream of hydrofracking wastewater and discharge sites have not been required to test for radioactivity. “In other words,” the NYTimes concludes, “there is no way of guaranteeing that the drinking water taken in by all these plants is safe.”

To learn more about hydrofracking and action steps, you can watch Gasland or visit the Sierra Club’s hydrofracking group at: http://connect.sierraclub.org/Team/Hydrofracking_Team.

Everyday Smart Alternatives to Car Congestion Woes

5.P.M. Traffic on Route 2 in Bayamón 02/1973 by The U.S. National Archives

Sick of traffic? Tired of the long, isolated commute to and from the office? You’re not alone, and many analysts say it’s only going to get worse. In fact, according to a recent Grist article, Texas A&M just released its Urban Mobility Report, a report that quantifies just how much of a toll daily commuting and car congestion take on your physical, financial and emotional well being. Not to mention how much personal time you lose sitting idle in traffic. It was also reported that metro Chicago and DC are the worst-off given the current “years delay per auto commuter” index. Astoundingly, Chicagoan and Washingtonian car commuters lose 70 hours of their lives to rush-hour traffic every year. These cities are, not surprisingly, followed closely by Los Angeles at 63 hours and Houston at 58 hours.

Thankfully, there are alternatives if you’re willing to alter your lifestyle a bit and are willing to get to know your neighbors. Relay Rides, a startup that just launched recently in Boston, aims at car sharing as a better, more transparent modern-day model for car users. Riders can “rent out” their car by the hour to those in need of wheels. Need an extra incentive? The owner can make upwards of a few thousand dollars a year just by doing so, and insurance is covered by Relay Rides. There are also (of course) Zipcar and City CarShare in San Francisco, to name a few.

If you’re not into cars, and you live in an urban center, there are often subway lines or buses you can take. While at first many people dismiss public transportation in the US as old and unreliable, it’s an essential public service that needs consumer support to thrive and improve. Imagine if each person you saw on the T coming home from work was instead driving? How many more cars would be added to the road? It’s simply unfathomable. So, instead of festering in your car each day with road rage, explore your options for car sharing, or public transportation. Or, simply good old fashioned car-pooling. You get to meet new people, plus it’s good for your soul and the environment!

Massachusetts = Belgium?

A starch factory along the Aroostook River, Caribou, Aroostook County, Me. (LOC) by The Library of Congress

A recent Sierra Club magazine article illustrates, in a unique diagram, how the United States, with 4.5% of the world’s population, is responsible for nearly 20% of global carbon dioxide emissions.  In fact, state by state, U.S. CO2 output equals that of entire countries, as illustrated on the map.  Data are from the 2007 U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Massachusetts Plans for the Clean Energy Future

The Setting Sun and Glass Lantern, Symbols of Solar Energy and Manmade Lighting, Along the Oregon Coast near Lincoln City During the Energy Crisis of 1973-74 01/1974 by The U.S. National Archives

On December 29th, Massachusetts officials announced a state-wide plan to cut heat-trapping carbon gases emitted by homes, cars and businesses in the state by 25 percent below 1990 levels over the next decade.  The targets set by the plan are the highest allowed under climate legislation passed by the state in 2008 and among the most stringent in the nation.  This aligns Massachusetts with states like California and New Mexico, who have already announced similar action.

The Massachusetts plan relies mainly on existing programs such as energy-efficiency standards for building construction, renewable-energy mandates and curbs in the electricity sector under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, of which Massachusetts is a signatory.  Ian Bowles, the state’s energy and environmental secretary, highlighted that the plan is an example of how a state can alter its energy profile with minimal economic impact and predicts instead a net gain in jobs for Massachusetts in the clean energy sector.

Debra Boronski, president of the Massachusetts Chamber of Business and Industry, has doubts about the plan stating, “Our biggest concern — even though it is right to conserve energy — is that alternative resources have to be cost-effective … As far as we know, in Massachusetts, research has shown that alternative energy is more expensive.”

Interestingly, data released by state officials indicated that more than one-third of the total greenhouse-gas emissions in Massachusetts come from the transportation sector.  In response to this information, Mr. Bowles announced the state will begin a pilot “Pay As You Drive” program giving drivers an incentive to cut back on unnecessary travel by linking car-insurance premiums to miles driven.  Congress has authorized $15 million in grants to insure low-income drivers do not suffer an unequal burden.

Other energy options include hydroelectric power from Quebec, weatherization for resident homes, and economic incentives for homeowners to replace oil-fueled furnaces with more efficient models.


Cambridge Energy Alliance is available to help guide you through the above-mentioned process of weatherization as well as retrofitting your home- all starting with signing you up to have your home looked at. If you would like to take advantage of your free energy assessment (which you have each already paid for via utility bills), please head to the CEA sign-up page, or call their Energy Advising line at 1-617-491-0488, extension 121 today!

Power Hungry US

Section of one of the switchyards from which high tension lines carry current generated at TVA's Wilson Dam hydroelectric plant, Sheffield vicinity, Ala. Located 260 miles above the mouth of the Tennessee River, the dam has an authorized power installatio by The Library of Congress

In a recent post by GOOD, a detailed breakdown of 2008 energy consumption in the US illustrates the range of energy use across the country by state. According to this data, Massachusetts comes in with 1.00 – 1.49 quadrillion BTUs of total energy consumption, while California or Texas, for example, come in at more than 2.50 each. The graph also breaks down total energy consumption by person, or per capita.  How does your state measure up?

A Monumental Victory for Clean Energy!

Smiley face written in the sky during the inauguration of Governor Bob Martinez by State Library and Archives of Florida

All clean-energy eyes were on California yesterday as voters had the historical choice to vote yes, or no, on Proposition 23, a proposition initiated by two Texas oil conglomerates: Valero and Tesero, as well as Koch Industries.  Prop 23, as it’s called, was a measure to revoke California’s landmark climate bill, AB 32.  Stating that a clean economy is too costly in the current economic state, the Texas companies marketed Prop 23 as a measure that would decrease unemployment in the state and secure existing energy jobs.  However, Prop 23 would also rewind all of the progress California has made on clean, renewable energy standards and the green economy – an economy that is both nationally and internationally reputed as groundbreaking in the field – while increasing profits to two out-of-state oil companies.

Nevertheless, resoundingly, in a major upset to Texas oil, Californian’s decided that a clean energy future was more important than a future reliant on fossil fuels and voted no on Prop 23, thereby securing a clean energy future while demonstrating to the US and to the international community that the green economy remains strong in the state, even during challenging economic times and marked unemployment.  The political campaign against Prop 23 was backed with aggressive and consistent messaging by Senator Barbara Boxer and newly-elected governor Jerry Brown, as well as a multitude of environmental organizations.

Calling for a Lighter Fleet

Oil Truck at the John F. Kennedy Airport 05/1973 by The U.S. National Archives

The Massachusetts Chapter of the Sierra Club is urging Boston-area residents to come out and voice their support for a first-ever increase of emissions standards for medium and heavy-duty trucks.  The Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Transportation announced a proposal calling for a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and fuel consumption from heavy trucks and 7-10% reductions from other trucks between 2014-2018. The EPA and DOT are holding a hearing in Boston later this month to discuss this proposal; the trucking industry is expected to oppose the standards.

The vehicles covered by this announcement consume 20% of all on-road transportation fuel used each year, despite representing only 4% of all vehicles on the road.  Furthermore, unlike passenger vehicles, these large pickups, freight trucks and garbage trucks (for example), have never been subject to federal fuel efficiency or global warming tailpipe pollution standards.

While the EPA/DOT’s green-friendly proposal demonstrates improvement over existing standards, the Sierra Club, among other environmental groups, have expressed dissatisfaction with the standards, calling for even higher emissions reductions within a similar period of time. Specifically, asking for a 35% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions from long haul tractors pulling van trailers by 2018.

In response to this announcement, the Sierra Club is urging citizens to come out, voice their opinion and support increased emission standards that cut greenhouse gas pollution under the Clean Air Act. Please see below for specifics on how you can become directly involved!

For further information contact:

James McCaffrey or Gina Coplon-Newfield, or call 617-423-5775

Thursday November 18, 2010, 10am-5pm

Hyatt Regency Cambridge, 575 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA

MIT Climate CoLab Contest

What should we do about climate change?

Instead of waiting for policy makers to act, you can help figure out the answer at the Climate CoLab; previously discussed in Opening the [Copenhagen] talks. Working alone—or in teams of people from all over the world—you can create proposals for what to do about climate change. The winning proposals will be presented to key policy makers, including officials at the UN and the US Congress. And if your proposal is one of the top two, you’ll receive travel funding for a representative of your team to attend one of these briefings.

We especially encourage entries from teams of undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in climate and sustainability issues. As usual rules and restrictions apply.

The deadline for the contest is October 31, 2010.

“The Story of Cap and Trade”

One possible step toward Climate Change mitigation, cap and trade is a prominent topic of discussion among government officials and environmentally-concerned citizens alike. This very short film (by the creators of “Story of Stuff”) offers a comprehensive look into the cap & trade system, and carefully questions its legitimacy. This is an informative piece on a very comfortable level that will boost your understanding of what the true philosophies behind, benefits of, and concerns with cap and trade systems are. I recommend taking a couple of minutes to check it out, and then sharing with your friends.

Or watch here.