Energy Efficient-from the ground up.

From the Laconia Citizen:

“It was 30 degrees outside but inside a yet-to-be-finished basement of a home being built on Summit Road, the temperature remained above 42 degrees, with no heat.

That’s because the home, which belongs to Cecilia Rai and James Koren of Plymouth, is being built to be energy-efficient from basement to attic.”

Find out more about this couple’s experience in building an energy efficient home in New Hampshire.

Cecilia Rai stand inside her yet to be finished house in Laconia, NH.

Cecilia Rai stands inside her yet to be finished energy efficient house in Laconia, NH.

Note the use of ICFs (Insulated Concrete Forms) in the outer walls. This is becoming a popular technique for including insulation in the construction process-particularly as it is independent of material used (stucco, brick, vinyl siding, wood…) for the outer walls.