The City of Cambridge today announced that the Cambridge Community Electricity (CCE) Program is entering a new two-year contract period with Direct Energy Services LLC (Direct Energy) resulting in new fixed electricity prices starting in January 2024*. While new program prices will be higher than current prices due to market conditions, Cambridge has used its purchasing power to secure prices that are lower than Eversource’s upcoming residential Basic Service price, though future savings compared with Eversource cannot be guaranteed. Residential and commercial account holders will also now have three electricity options that vary in price and renewable energy content.**
Launched in 2017, CCE is an electricity aggregation program for Cambridge electricity account holders that supports the development of local renewable energy projects. Most electricity account holders in Cambridge are already enrolled in CCE. Enrollment is automatic unless an electricity account holder has previously opted out of the program or entered into a contract with a different supplier. Whereas Eversource prices change seasonally, CCE protects Cambridge residents and businesses from changing electricity prices and there are no contracts or penalties for changing enrollment.
The Cambridge Community Electricity Program now offers account holders more choice in renewable energy content and the price they pay for electricity. All three Cambridge program rates will be less expensive than the Eversource Basic Service rate of 17.25 cents/kWh:
- Participants in the default Standard Green option will receive approximately 50% of their electricity from regional renewable energy projects. The Standard Green price will change from 10.20 cents/kWh to 14.81 cents/kWh. Most participants are enrolled in this option and no action is required if they prefer not to choose a different program option.
- A participating resident or business can opt-up to 100% Green Plus to receive 100% of their electricity from regional renewable energy projects. The 100% Green Plus price will change from 13.669 cents/kWh to 16.82 cents/kWh. Any Cambridge resident or business can opt-up to 100% Green Plus at any time.
- If participants would prefer to receive the lowest percentage of electricity from regional renewable sources and the lowest cost, the Economy Green option will be 13.82 cents/kWh. Economy Green meets the state minimum requirement for renewable energy content (approximately 24-27%). Any Cambridge resident or business can select or transition to the Economy Green option at any time.
“The Community Electricity Program offers a competitive price and also advances the City’s sustainability goals,” said Iram Farooq, Assistant City Manager for Community Development. “We are excited to pioneer innovative energy programs and cost-effective options for our community.”
Residents or businesses who are already enrolled in the Cambridge Community Electricity Program, and would like to remain with their current option, do not need to take any action. Those who would like to change their option can call (844) 379-9934. For more information including how to find out if you are enrolled in CCE, which program option you are enrolled in, and to view a sample bill, visit: https://www.masspowerchoice.com/cambridge/faq/example-eversource-bill.
If residents or businesses are not enrolled in the Cambridge Community Electricity Program, but would like assistance with enrollment, they can contact (844) 379-9934.
Cambridge is one of over 150 cities and towns in Massachusetts that uses a municipal aggregation program to offer electricity to its residents. For more information about the Cambridge Community Electricity Program, visit: https://camb.ma/CCEUpdates.
*New electricity prices will take effect following the first meter reading starting in January 2024. Account holders may not see any changes to their electricity bill until their February or March 2024 bill.
**Large commercial accounts are subject to special terms and conditions.